Dr. Nazir Khan

Dr. Nazir Khan

Senior Fellow at Yaqeen Institute

Mufti Abdul Wahab Waheed

Mufti Abdul Wahab Waheed

Co-Founder of Miftaah Institute

Ust. Razia Hamidi

Ust. Razia Hamidi

CEO of DiscoverU

Sh. Hosam Helal

Sh. Hosam Helal

Imam at ISNA

Ust. Nabeela Syeda

Ust. Nabeela Syeda

Aalimah and Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

Sh. Moutasem Al-Hameedy

Sh. Moutasem Al-Hameedy

Instructor at Rashidoon

Sh. Sohaib Zuberi

Sh. Sohaib Zuberi

Instructor at Mathabah Institute

Sh. Numan Attique

Sh. Numan Attique

Resident Scholar at ICCM

Sh. Aarij Anwer

Sh. Aarij Anwer

Imam in London, Ontario

Sh. Junaid Bhaiyat

Sh. Junaid Bhaiyat

Scholar & Entrepeneur



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